December 13, 2024: Popular actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in connection with the tragic stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The incident, which occurred on December 4, resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman named Revathi and left her 8-year-old son hospitalized. The stampede happened during the premiere of Allu Arjun‘s latest film, “Pushpa 2.”
Incident Details – Pushpa 2, Allu Arjun Show Stampede Case
The stampede at Sandhya Theatre was triggered by the massive crowd that gathered to see Puspha 2 star. The chaos led to Revathi’s death due to asphyxiation, while her son sustained serious injuries. Following a complaint from Revathi’s family, the police registered a case on December 5 against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre’s management for negligence that contributed to the incident2.
Arrest and Investigation
The Pushpa 2 Star was taken into custody by the Chikkadapally police for further questioning. The police are investigating the exact circumstances that led to the stampede and are looking into the security arrangements at the event. No suicide note was found, and the investigation is ongoing to determine the reasons behind the tragic incident.
Reactions and Support
The news of Pushpa 2 Star arrest has shocked his fans and the film fraternity. The actor had previously expressed his condolences to Revathi’s family and assured them of his support. He has pledged to provide financial assistance to the family and has stated that he will personally meet them soon.